St Mary's RC Primary School

Full of grace, we grow and learn together

Roman Road, Heaton Norris, Stockport, SK4 1RF

0161 480 5319

Our SENCO is Michelle Gleeson and she can be contacted at:                        

or by telephoning school on 0161 480 5319.


What to do if I have a complaint:

All complaints will be taken seriously and treated with care and sensitivity.

If you have any comments or concerns please address them to the SENCo in the first instance. The majority of concerns expressed by parents are dealt with on an informal basis within the school itself. If you feel the situation isn’t resolved then the next step is to contact the Headteacher. If it cannot be resolved at this stage, the parent / carer is directed to the Chair of Governors.  Information regarding the formal grievance process can be found here.


Please find below our full school offer, our provision and our

accessibility plan.


 STM Zones of Regulation Newsletter.pdfDownload
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 Hearing & Vision Newsletter STM.pdfDownload
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Stockport  Council Local Offer

Local Authorities have to publish details of all the support that is available for children and young people with Special Education Needs.

This information is called the 'Local Offer' and must include education, health and care services and must be clear and easy to understand.

Please click this link to visit the Stockport Local Offer which provides advice, information and services to children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and their families.

Stockport Local Offer Website

Please click this link to go to Stockport's Admissions page

Admission of Children with Special Educational Needs

Entitlement Framework:

Stockport's Co-production charter:

Stockport I-Outcomes:


There are 4 areas of SEND need:

  1. Communication and interaction
  2. Cognition and learning
  3. Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  4. Sensory and/or physical

We look forward to working with pupils and parents/carers to ensure a fully inclusive curriculum which allows all our children to access their learning by meeting their and achieving their full potential at St.Mary's.

For more information please look at our school's SEND policy, Entitlement Framework and Stockport's Local Offer.