St Mary's RC Primary School

Full of grace, we grow and learn together

Roman Road, Heaton Norris, Stockport, SK4 1RF

0161 480 5319

Primary School Sport Funding

The Government is providing all schools with additional funding for the next two years, this is to be ‘ring fenced’ for improving the provision of PE and Sport. The amount each school receives is calculated by reference to the number of children on roll plus an additional lump sum. Schools are accountable for how this money is spent. St Mary’s RC School will receive £8460 for the two year period  and are using the funding as below.

From September 2013, the school has bought in to Stockport School Sport Partnership which enables our school to receive support and subject specialist guidance, PE conference attendance, access to sports competitions, access to Continuing Professional Development, targeted healthy lifestyle programmes, two hours per week of coordinated specialist coaching and access to the Stockport School Sport Partnership community swimming scholarship programme.

New and appropriate high quality resources are bought to support the activities being taught

.We also currently offer the following opportunities for children on a termly basis either before or after school.

Dodge ball, Boxercise, Basket ball, Badminton and Athletics.

Gymnastics and Little Sports Olympians as after school clubs.

St. Mary’s RC Primary is working hard to improve the quality of PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.

Sports Premium 2 2014-15

Sports Premium 2015-16

Sports Premium 2016

sports premium budget 2018.docx

Sports Premium Budget 2019- 2020

Sports premium budget 2020-21 update June 2021.

Sports Premium Budget 2021-22

Sports Premium Budget 2023-24