St Mary's RC Primary School

Full of grace, we grow and learn together

Roman Road, Heaton Norris, Stockport, SK4 1RF

0161 480 5319




In science, we will be looking Properties of Materials.  The Children will be complting several experiements such as: dissolving liquids to form solids; seperating materials and dissolving, mixing and changing states of materials.



This term our history topic is Britain at War.  We will look at the causes of the First World War and how it ended.  Following on from this we will idetify what factors led to the start or World War 2.  We investigate the main countries which made up the Axis and the Allies and who were the leaders of these countries.  We will also look at the techological advances in weaponary of both sides.

Our knowledge organiser (below) shows the main facts children will be learning.


Other subjects:

Computing - we will be looking at computer networks

PE -  Y5 will have the coaches, outdoor, on a Monday afternoon - Both Y5 & Y6 will be going swimming on a Friday afternoon.

Art - Mixed Media

Design and technology -  Architecture

Music - Composing and performing a Leaver’s Song

French - Greetings, colours, shapes and months of the year and days of the week




In year 5/6 it is expected that all children read every night (between 20 and 30 minuets; practising spellings (see below for lists) and are completing tasks (set weekly) on MyMaths.



Group1& 2: spelling list



Weekly Timetable