Seeing all the work my daughter has been doing.
Children feel relaxed and comfortable to learn. It also helps me as a parent know where my children are struggling in their coursework and how to assist them.
Really looks forward to the zoom calls every week.
Purple mash has been a god send, as my daughter can access it fully without much help and she's been learning a lot
Got to know more about how far my children have come and what they need more support on and has given me more time to spend with them
we did some practical experiments which were a fun thing for all of the family to do together .
Mini mash being set up. Come to a bit of a loose end with the learning pack. We still use this but mini mash has made it more enjoyable.
I can easily communicate with my kid's teachers if I have concerns about their learning materials.
Yes fantastic support from the teacher. Regular check in phone calls. Lots of support via class dojo. Learning easy ro access online. Easy to submit work via class dojo.
Good communication
More family time and more structure to the days. Im more involved which brings us closer.
Enjoying some of the subjects I enjoyed at school. Learning them all over again especially history.
Being about to know what Topic they are covering helped us support our child better.
Teachers have been available to help and reasure the children with their work
They enjoy not waking up as early but it has effected their routine
The Egypt topic has been a huge hit, with lots of talk about the topic at home. Work that involves cutting, sticking and organising rather than writing has been far easier to engage with.
We have had many access points for home learning .. on websites the school website , support from the teachers.
The chance to play games on his laptop after completing his schoolwork is proving to be the best motivation ever.
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